3 dogs mothering 52 abandoned puppies in shelter

Three stray dogs have fed 52 unmothered puppies in an animal shelter in the eastern province of Erzurum.
Three dogs named “Süslü,” “Yumak,” “Susam” who nurse the abandoned dogs brought to the shelter and 52 puppies became the center of attention of the visitors of a shelter in Erzurum.
The three dogs, who take care of the 52 puppies as if they were their own puppies, are fed with supplementary food by the shelter.
Veterinarian İdris Özmen stated that the abandoned dogs brought to the shelter are taken care of in the best way, adding that when puppies whose mothers died for various reasons are brought to the shelter, they are settled to the section where the foster mothers are.
“We bring mother dogs and orphaned puppies together in a controlled way. If it does not react, we separate it as milk mother,” Özmen explained.
“There are currently three nursing mothers at the center. They are nursing their own puppies and other orphaned puppies. We give them supplementary food as each of them gives milk to 15-20 dogs a day,” he added.