Baby animals born in Gaziantep Zoo
GAZİANTEP – Anadolu Agency

Some 128 babies were born in a zoo in the southeastern province of Gaziantep in the first six months of 2018.
Established in 2001 by the Gaziantep Municipality in Burç Forest, Gaziantep Zoo is home to 7,000 animals of 300 species. The zoo is one of the most popular places for tourists in the city.
According to officials, the fertility rate reached 80 percent in the zoo, with 128 babies being born between January and June this year.
Celal Özsöyler, the Gaziantep Metropolitan Municipality head of the Wildlife Protection Department, said the animals in the zoo are protected well and are living peacefully, which have increased their fertility.
He said pregnant animals were protected constantly by their caretakers and the whole team worked during their delivery.
“This year we got new babies particularly from the deer, gazelles, kangaroos and lions. It shows us how good we feed our animals. We have a summer menu for them in the summer and a winter menu in the winter,” Özsöyler said.
He also added that 1.8 million people visited the zoo in the first six months of the year. They expect it to increase to 3 million by the end of the year.