Center of Helenopolis detected with georadar

A georadar study has been initiated in the Altınova district of Yalova to detect the center of the ancient city of Helenopolis, the site of the Battle of Befeus, the first armed conflict between the Ottoman Empire and the Byzantine Empire.
The ancient city of Helenopolis, located near the Yalova legs of the Osman Gazi Bridge, is being unearthed within the scope of the Hersek Delta Land and Underwater excavations.
Teams are working to detect the center of the ancient city in the forest area with georadar.
Serkan Gündüz, head of Bursa Uludağ University Underwater Archaeology Department and head of Hersek Delta Land and Underwater excavations, stated that they partially completed the lighthouse and underwater work in 2023.
Stating that they are set to work in the center of Helenopolis in 2024 and that georadar is used to detect areas for this purpose, Gündüz said that Helenopolis emerged as an important port city after the fourth century.
Gündüz noted that no finds were found on the surface of the ancient city, which bears the name of Emperor Constantine's mother.
“Although we have not found any finds on the surface due to earthquakes and disasters over the centuries, we know that there are finds underground in the region. Helenopolis is a center attributed to his mother Helena by Emperor Constantine. It appears frequently on the stage of history especially after the fourth century. The road between Khalkedon [today’s Kadıköy] and Gebze, was canceled and the postal service was forced to go directly from Istanbul to the port of Helenopolis. In the later period, it was in an important position for the Crusaders, especially in the 11th century,” he said.