Dependence on imported energy declining: Bayraktar

Türkiye’s reliance on imported energy resources declined to 67.8 percent in 2022 from around 70 percent in the previous years, Energy and Natural Resources Minister Alparslan Bayraktar has stated.
As part of the energy efficiency plans, Türkiye’s carbon emissions will be reduced by 100 million tons between 2024 and 2030, he said, adding that carbon emissions trading under the Energy Exchange Istanbul (EPİAŞ) is planned to be launched next year.
“Our goal with our National Energy Plan is to end our country’s dependence on external resources and make it a net zero emission country in 2053.”
Speaking at an energy conference, Bayraktar stressed that they see the strengthening of electricity networks as an indispensable element of green transformation in energy.
“We aim for a mega transmission system that has high interconnection capacity with our neighbors and can handle the rapid increase in renewable capacity. In this context, we plan to invest $10 billion by 2030.”
Over the past 21 years, even though Türkiye’s energy density declined by 30 percent, but demand for energy doubled, Bayraktar said. “We expect demand for energy to continue to increase in the next 20 years. Demand for electricity is forecast to reach 515 terawatts hour in 2035.”
While meeting this demand, the share of renewable energy in total energy production and its share in installed capacity will be increased to 55 percent and 65 percent, respectively, Bayraktar reiterated.
“The daily oil production at the Gabar field is currently 30,000 barrels. This will rise to 100,000 barrels in 2024 so that Türkiye will become a country which daily produces 200,000 barrels,” the minister said, noting that the country has a daily need of 1 million oil barrels.