Heavy rains, storms continue to wreak havoc in Türkiye

The Turkish State Meteorology Services has issued alerts for 17 of Türkiye’s all 81 provinces as harsh weather continues to wreak havoc in the country and temperatures drop by 8 to 12 degrees.
According to the bureau’s latest forecast, the weather will be partly cloudy and rainy in the north of Marmara, east of Central Anatolia, western and eastern Black Sea regions, Eastern Anatolia (except Malatya), east of Southeastern Anatolia and around the northern province of Ordu.
Precipitation is expected to be in the form of rain in the north of Marmara and around the eastern provinces of Elazığ, Diyarbakır, Mardin and Batman; in the form of mixed rain and snow in the eastern province of Muş; and heavy snowfall in eastern provinces of Ağrı, Bitlis, Iğdır, south of Kars, Van, Hakkari, Şırnak and Siirt, especially in higher altitudes.
Temperatures are expected to remain below seasonal norms across the country.
The wind is expected to blow from the north and northwestern directions in the interior of the eastern Mediterranean, southeastern Central Anatolia, eastern and southeastern Anatolia and west of eastern and southeastern Anatolia, in the form of strong and localized storms (50 to 70 km/h).
While rainfall is not expected in large parts of the country on April 1, torrential rains are expected in Marmara, Aegean, Western Black Sea and Mediterranean regions on April 2.