Initiative aims to expand endemic seagrass species

A groundbreaking project has been initiated in the southwestern province of Muğla to protect Posidonia meadows, a vital natural submarine seagrass endemic to the Mediterranean marine ecosystem.
Posidonia Oceanica produces oxygen through photosynthesis and provides habitat for sea creatures. The plant also plays an important role in carbon absorption and storage. Thus, it plays a critical role in the fight against climate change and is vital in maintaining ecosystem health.
The project was implemented in the Kemerköy field of YK Energy under the leadership of the Agriculture and Forestry Ministry, in cooperation with Muğla Provincial Directorate of Agriculture and YK Energy and under the consultancy of academics from Eastern Mediterranean University.
When the three-year project is completed, Posidonia meadows will be multiplied in an area of 200 hectares, which is approximately the size of 285 football fields. The meadows are expected to sequester between 240 tons/hectare and 520 tons/hectare of carbon from the atmosphere per year.
"Unfortunately, fishing and tourism activities in the seas damage the Posidonia meadows. In order for seagrass meadows to survive effectively; we aim to ensure the protection of healthy seagrass habitats in the region, to carry out rehabilitation and transplantation/implantation practices in seagrass habitats, to increase the awareness and effectiveness of stakeholders, and to contribute to the establishment of a legal basis for the protection of seagrass meadows," Muğla Provincial Director of Agriculture Muhammed Sevinç stated.
Academic Burak Ali Çiçek, who is the advisor of the project, explained that three different methods will be used to spread Posidonia meadows.
"With the implantation method rooted seedlings taken/formed from seagrass meadows will be placed on suitable ground., In the transplantation method, root and meadow clumps will be placed on suitable ground at different points. Finally, new seedlings will be obtained from the seeds of seagrasses by germination method."