Lawsuit filed for red deer hunting tender

The lawyers’ bar association in the northwestern province of Bolu has taken legal action against the Agriculture and Forestry Ministry over a red deer hunting tender.
The ministry recently held a tender to hunt 14 red deer in Bolu for a total of 408,000 Turkish Liras as a fee.
In this context, a hunting fee of 120,000 liras for three red deer in Kıbrıscık, 104,000 liras for four red deer each in Sırçalı and Seben, and 80,000 liras for three red deer in Taşlıyayla were determined.
The deadline for the red deer hunt was announced as Sept. 22.
Following the announcement, Bolu Bar Association Animal Rights Commission filed a lawsuit for the cancellation of the tender.
“On behalf of the Bolu Bar Association Animal Rights Commission, a lawsuit has been filed to the Bolu Administrative Court with the principle number 2023/1206 regarding the request for the cancellation of the administrative transaction, which will result in the killing of 14 red deer planned to be hunted in Bolu province within the framework of the 2023-2024 hunting tourism season,” the commission’s statement read.
Previously in March 2023, a tender for hunting a total of 20 red deer in central Anatolian provinces of Eskişehir, Afyonkarahisar, Denizli and Kütahya was canceled by the Afyonkarahisar Administrative Court upon the application of Eskişehir Animal Protection Association under the grounds that it has not been concretely demonstrated that hunting tourism will have positive effects on the protection of the red deer fauna.
Again, in March, another hunting tender in Bolu that would have allowed the killing of 15 red deer was canceled upon an appeal by the Turkish Vegan Association.