Man finds solace living alone in abandoned village for 12 years

A man residing in a desolate village in Aksaray, a Central Anatolian city, has spent the last 12 years in solitude following the passing of his wife.
The Salman family defied a tide of migration from the 180-household Kozlukuyu village at the base of Mount Hasan 32 years ago, which occurred due to the high elevation of the settlement and scarcity of water.
Selami Salman, a father of seven, chose to stay behind in his two-room abode even after his wife, Fadimana, passed away and his children ventured off to establish their own families.
"The peace I find here, I cannot find anywhere else," Salman shared, reflecting on his connection to the village where he was born and where he intends to draw his last breath.
Though living alone comes with its difficulties, Salman embraces the self-reliance demanded by village life. "It is hard to live alone. You have to do everything yourself," he said. "Also, if the roads are closed in winter, I am left without bread, but I bake it myself."
Despite his solitude, Salman’s children visit him every Sunday, he says. "We eat and drink with them and then everyone goes home."
For Salman, the allure of Kozlukuyu lies in the life it offers. "I got used to the fresh air here, it is not enough to sleep for 10 hours in the center. While it is enough if I sleep for four hours here," he stated. "If I had gone to the lower village, maybe I would have died and I would not have seen this age."
While Salman remains contented in his humble lifestyle, he shared that he reserves a special place for himself beside his beloved wife and declared "when I die, they should bury me next to my wife."