One in every three young Turkish person hopeless about future: Study
Gamze Kolcu – ANKARA

AFP photo
One in three young people in Turkey is hopeless about the future, according to a study carried out by a nongovernmental organization.The report prepared by the Habitat Association said the largest number of youths without hope were those searching for a job, with 50 percent expressing a pessimistic outlook on the future.
The association carried out its study with face-to-face interviews with a total of 1,209 young people between the ages of 18 and 29 in 16 provinces in order to “take a picture of the youth in Turkey.”
When the life satisfaction of the youth was examined, 10 percent of males and 14 percent of females said they were not satisfied with life at all, while 16 percent of males and females said that they were not satisfied very much.
Still, 68 percent of males and 65 percent of females said they were hopeful about the future, with 77 percent of students saying they were hopeful about the future.
When asked about their monthly income, 30 percent said they were living on 600 Turkish Liras or less, while the percentage of those earning between 601 and 1,500 liras a month was 33 percent.
Some 22 percent of the youth said they earned between 1,500 and 2,400 liras a month, while the lowest percentage belonged to those earning 2,400 liras or more at 11 percent.
According to the Habitat Association, 32 percent of the participants in the study are continuing their education, with 18 percent in high school, 17 percent pursuing two-year degrees at universities, 35 percent doing four-year degrees at universities, 8 percent completing a master’s degree or doctorate and 17.8 percent in distance education.
Some 88 percent of those working on a master’s degree or doctorate, 77 percent of those enrolled in a four-year university program and 76 percent of high school students said they were satisfied, although students pursuing distance education and two-year university programs said they were less satisfied.
In addition, 13 percent of males and 15 percent of females said they occasionally required psychological support.
In terms of the eating habits of the youth, 91 percent eat breakfast every day, while 93 percent eat fruit. Three out of four young people consume carbonated drinks at least once a week, while 64 percent eat fast-food.
The study said one out of every two young people smoke cigarettes or similar tobacco products, although the percentage of those who said they imbibe alcoholic beverages was much lower at 12 percent.
Some 78.2 of the youth said that they voted in the general and local elections, while the percentage of those in active politics stood at 3.9 percent. Similarly, the ratio of those who participate in voluntary activities remained low at 5 percent.
There were some notable results in the area of feeling secure, with a 15 percent difference between males and females. Some 70 percent of males felt secure in the places in which they reside, but the total for females was just 55 percent.
When it comes to cultural activities, some 81 percent said they do not go to theaters or concerts, while 43 said they do not go to the movies.
At the same time, 55 percent said they do not buy books, while nearly 66 percent said they do not buy music or movies.