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Patara Latest News, Top Stories - All news & analysis about Patara
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patara News
Works near completion at ancient lighthouse
Excavations resume in Bathonea
Archaeology season opens in Türkiye
Holidaymakers on ATVs spark concern for sea turtles
2,000-year-old lighthouse reconstructed in Patara ancient city
Patara’s monumental inscription in place
Travel writers choose ‘10 wonders of Antalya’
Photos of Ottoman Empire’s first radiotelegraph station come to light
16th Kastellorizo-Kaş Swim Event to be held at weekend
Famous beaches closed at night for Caretta caretta
Patara’s dolphin unearthed 10 years after its burial
Adventurers fly over Turkish riviera with breathtaking shows
Turkey adopts new measures to protect endangered sea turtles
Lost Lycian artifacts to be exhibited underwater
Satellite-tracked turtle ends up in Tunisia after 300-day journey
Lycian Civilizations Museum takes visitors to ‘land of lights’
Ongoing excavations at Patara telegraph station reveal new facts
Ancient cities on Mediterranean coast fascinate visitors amid pandemic
Patara Lighthouse to be revived with original stones
Turkish police detain gang selling Patara beach sand
Ancient city of Patara gains popularity after 2020 marked ‘Year of Patara’
Two storks, surprise guests of Patara
İş Sanat online concert series to continue
Emperor Neron’s lighthouse to be made earthquake resistant
Antalya, hometown of Santa Claus
Antalya’s museums, ancient sites generate 15 mln revenue
Record number of turtles reach sea in Turkey
Grand Republic Concert organized as part of Republic Day celebrations
Ancient kitchen, ‘women’s room’ found in Patara
First concert held in ancient city to commemorate 2020 as ‘Patara Year’
Sea turtles, precious inhabitants of sea, rescued
Emperor Neron’s lighthouse to shine on Turkish shores centuries later
Trio Patara concert to revive ancient city
Traces of history fascinate Patara visitors
Caretta caretta nests detected on Patara beach
Unearthed relic in Patara honors Roman senator
Statue of woman found in Patara
Seven new concerts from Turkey’s seven regions
Secluded Kalkan draws attention of local tourists wanting to holiday in isolation
Inscription unearthed in ancient city of Patara
Antalya’s Patara, Çıralı among cleanest beaches in Europe
Academics spending more than 30 years in ancient excavation area
Beaches empty, caretta carettas to lay eggs soon
Patara city's symbol gate regains its formal glory
The mysterious tracks of the Mediterranean
Portrait at Antalya Museum belongs to Sappho
Patara, cradle of civilizations, is declared this year’s tourism site
More than 165,000 people paraglided over from Mt. Babadağ
2020: The Year of Patara
Turkey’s most popular faith tourism spots
115,000 baby caretta carettas make it to sea in Turkey: Report