Police apprehend woman over illegal dog breeding, sales

İzmir police have apprehended a woman over allegedly breeding and selling purebred dogs at her house despite the ban, as municipal teams have confiscated more than 45 purebred dogs living in unhealthy conditions and relocated them to a shelter.
The Animal Rights Federation (HAYTAP) filed a complaint to the police, stating that İlknur Ç., who resided in a two-story detached house in the Bayraklı district of the western province, breeds and sells dogs.
Within the scope of the Animal Protection Law, the sale of pets in shops has been banned as of July 14, 2022.
As of this date, sales began to be made from the catalog online. However, if animals are sold under inappropriate conditions and without permission, fines and prison sentences are imposed against the wrongdoers.
During the operation, in which a group of animal rights lawyers also accompanied the police, the teams discovered that various breeds such as French bulldogs, Maltese terriers, Poodles, Chihuahuas and Pekingese were being raised in unhygienic and poor conditions, with injuries on their bodies and infestation of fleas and ticks.
Despite the resistance of İlknur Ç. to prevent the officials, a total of 47 dogs were taken from their poor conditions and placed in a shelter.
In her first statement to the police, İlknur Ç. claimed that she did not sell dogs but provided shelter for stray dogs instead.
It was also noted that İlknur Ç. had been previously detained for the same offense, and the animals had been seized at that time as well.
İlknur Ç. was issued a total fine of 204,450 Turkish Liras ($7,600) and was subsequently released.
“Numerous purebred dogs were being bred and sold in the detached house, but none of them were well cared for and in good condition. We filed a complaint petition. These dogs will be relocated to better places and find good homes,” lawyer Bünyamin Bıçakçı said.