Protocol signed prior to key urban summit

A protocol has been signed between the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the Kocaeli Municipality for this year’s Kartepe Summit, an annual international gathering held since 2017 that brings cities together to brainstorm solutions to the biggest urban challenges.
The UNDP agreed to work more closely with the northwestern province of Kocaeli, where the summit will be held between March 24 and 27, and municipalities within the Union of Marmara Municipalities in efforts to achieve their Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Speaking following the signing ceremony held in Sırrı Pasha Mansion, Kocaeli Mayor Tahir Büyükakın said building resilience has become a top priority for every city in the world, referring to the summit’s theme of resilient cities and urban transformation.
“Mayors everywhere are facing daunting challenges, starting with the pandemic and the threat of climate-driven disasters. The Kartepe Summit gives us all a chance to sit together to plot a path to a greener, safer and more sustainable future,” he said.
“We are delighted that the UNDP is joining us in our quest to build resilient cities,” Büyükakın added.
In her part, UNDP Resident Representative Louisa Vinton said: “Cities are key to sustainable development, given the growing share of people who live and work in urban areas.”
At the summit, mayors, professionals and academics will come together to discuss contemporary urban challenges and solutions from the perspective of the SDGs.