Some 94 pct of households have internet access

Some 94 percent of households have internet access in 2022, up from 92 percent in the previous year, the Turkish Statistical Institute (TÜİK) said on Aug. 26.
In 2012, a little more than 47 percent of the household had access to the internet, while the figure rose to 80.7 percent in 2017.
Istanbul households have the highest rate of access at 98.7 percent, followed by the region, including the provinces of Ankara, Konya and Karaman, at 98.3 percent. Some 94.4 percent of households in the Aegean region have access to the internet.
Internet usage among individuals aged between 16 and 74 also rose from 82.6 percent last year to 85 percent, according to TÜİK’s Information and Communication Technology Usage Survey.
Internet usage among men and women is 89.1 percent and 80.9 percent, respectively.
According to the survey, 82.7 percent of the population used the internet regularly in the past three months, with more than 69 percent saying they used the internet several times a day. Some 11 percent used the internet once a day or almost every day, the survey showed. Only 0.7 percent used it less than once a week.
“The proportion of individuals who used the internet in the last 12 months to buy or order goods or services for private use increased from 44.3 percent to 46.2 percent in 2022,” TÜİK said.
Of those who used the internet for shopping, 49.7 percent were males and 42.7 percent were females, up from 48.3 percent and 40.3 percent in 2021, respectively.