Trio Patara concert to revive ancient city

Mentioned as the instruments of gods and angels in mythology, flute and harp, which accompanied funerals, weddings, harvests, religious rituals and dances in ancient Greece and Rome, will be a part of a concert in the ancient city of Patara. The concert to be performed by three artists will take the audience on a historical journey.
As President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan declared 2020 the “Year of Patara,” excavations have been ongoing with new finds under the presidency of Professor Havva İşkan Işık, from Akdeniz University Faculty of Letters’ department of archeology. The ancient city, which was the capital of the Lycian League, is being promoted with various activities.
In the coming months, the ancient city, located in Kaş district of the southern province of Antalya, will host a concert where the oldest instruments of the world will be played.
Trio Patara, founded by the Antalya State Symphony Orchestra’s flutist Leyla Bayramoğulları and harpist Aslıhan Güngör, and the Antalya State Opera and Ballet’s soprano Nurdan Küçükekmekçi, will take the stage in the concert.
Speaking about the event, Işık said that the Greek historian and writer Heredot wrote that the Lycians were matrilineal. “Therefore, Trio Patara, which is composed of three magnificent women, will suit the matrilineal story of Lycia. This is a women’s union. I believe in female power,” she said.
[HH] Special compositions for the Year of Patara
“It has a different meaning that Trio Patara was founded at a process during which Turkey and the world has experienced hard times,” said flutist Bayramoğulları, adding, “Trio Patara was formed to contribute to the promotion of our country and to serve the Year of Patara.”
Noting that she was childhood friends with Küçükekmekçi and also performed many concerts with Güngör, Bayramoğulları said that as artists, they were thinking about what they could do during the COVID-19 outbreak.
“Since this is the Year of Patara, we formed a group and called this formation Trio Patara. We have many different repertoires. We are also composing new works for the Year of Patara to be special and permanent,” she added.
Soprano Küçükekmekçi said that Trio Patara had a great meaning for them. Stating that such a formation would be suitable for this year, Küçükekmekçi said, “Antalya is a city full of cultural richness. I have made many performances in Aspendos and Side ancient theaters. It is truly an amazing feeling to perform in the ancient theater. That spirit comes into your soul, it’s a divine feeling. That’s why Patara makes me very excited because I get this feeling in ancient places. We set out on a very beautiful journey with excitement. I hope we proceed with nice steps. I believe it.”
Harpist Güngör said that harp, flute and singing have been together since mythology.
“It’s like traveling in time,” said Güngör, and added, “It’s magical to be able to still play these instruments today.”
Giving information about the concert they will perform in Patara in the coming months, Güngör said, “We have a rich repertoire. We have two works for Patara, composed by two valuable composers. We expect a special poem for Lycians and Patara from our precious poet Yelda Karataş. We look forward to that day when we will organize the premiere.”