TRT World Forum 2023 Steers the World Agenda

TRT World Forum 2023, which is being held for the 7th time this year, continues to host important figures on its second day. Among the prominent figures attending the second day panels were the Minister of Industry and Technology Mehmet Fatih Kacır, Minister of Family and Social Services Mahinur Özdemir Göktaş, Turkcell CEO Ali Taha Koç, the President of Turkish Red Crescent Prof. Fatma Meriç Yılmaz, the Secretary General of Doctors Without Borders (MSF) Christopher Lockyear, United Nations World Food Programme’s (WFP) Türkiye Director and Country Representative Stephen John Cahill.
The 7th edition of TRT World Forum, one of the largest and highest profiled forums in the media sector, continues on its second day with the theme “Thriving Together: Responsibilities, Actions and Solutions”. On the second day of the TRT World Forum, which brought together in Istanbul more than 150 speakers, including internationally renowned academics, politicians, non-governmental workers, think tank experts, bureaucrats and journalists from different parts of the world, many issues were discussed ranging from artificial intelligence to social inequalities, from the function of the United Nations to the crisis of food, water and energy.
“All-Knowing AI: Creative Potential or Disruptive Evil?”
At the session “All-Knowing AI: Creative Potential or Disruptive Evil?”, of which inaugural speech was made by the Minister of Industry and Technology Mehmet Fatih Kacır, the dual nature of artificial intelligence, evoking both fascination and concern, was discussed. Speaking at the panel where the possible creative potential of artificial intelligence in different sectors, ways to revolutionize industries and the horizons it can broaden for the progress of humanity were discussed, Minister Kacır said, “We prioritize the widespread use of AI in industry and public institutions in Türkiye and target to rise the specialized workforce in this field.
Within the scope of the TÜBİTAK scholarship and support programs, in the last 21 years, we have supported more than 3.700 projects in the field of AI and provided financial assistance of 6.7 billion liras to over 1.300 individuals. At TEKNOFEST, the world's largest aerospace and technology festival, we organize competitions in various fields to encourage our youth in working on future technologies. Today, over 2,300 technopark companies and 203 R&D centres in Türkiye conduct AI projects.”
Noting that they assess the change and transformation in the digital world ecosystem brought by artificial intelligence, Minister Kacır said, “We aim to develop and operate AI systems in an harmony with our common values. We contribute to the transformation driven by AI technologies on behalf of humanity and ensure our country benefits from this process. To make the second century of our Republic the ‘Türkiye Century’, we will continue to work and strive with all our might in line with our 'National Technology Initiative' goals.”
“Dis/United Nations: Working Towards Effective Multilateralism”
On the panel titled “Dis/United Nations: Working Towards Effective Multilateralism” where the issues of how the reforms aimed at improving the effectiveness, transparency and democratic principles of the United Nations can be realized and what role the organization should play in regional events such as the Israel-Palestine and Russia-Ukraine conflicts were discussed, questions like “What should a United Nations reform look like that would be accepted by everyone?”, “What role should the United Nations play in regional events such as the Israel-Palestine and Russia-Ukraine conflicts?”, “How can improved democracy, effectiveness and transparency of the UN contribute to resolving disputes and promoting peace?” were raised.
“Empowering Humanity: Addressing Social Crises and Inequalities”
In the session “Empowering Humanity: Addressing Social Crises and Inequalities”, of which keynote speech was delivered by the Minister of Family and Social Services Mahinur Özdemir Göktaş, potential solutions that could be offered to overcome the ongoing social crises on a global scale were discussed. In her speech, Minister Göktaş talked about the oppression committed by Israel in Gaza and particularly said: “We see that the global authorities, which united their powers to develop mechanisms and institutions for security and development, are remaining indifferent to the brutality unfolding. It horrifies us that the global authorities regard the people who lost their lives in Gaza, the majority of whom are women and children, as just a number or some kind of data or tally,” she underlined.
Minister Göktaş added, “Türkiye once again stands on the right side of the history for Gaza, and invites every state that has a share in human history to stand by humanity! It is time to find new ways in our quest for immediate and sustainable solutions. Türkiye's strategy of renewal from the core-to-periphery will enhance our global effectiveness, accelerate the healing of wounds, prevent the emergence of new crises, and serve as a good example and inspiration for the entire world. The power behind our success is the intense love and loyalty we hold for human values, leading us to the Türkiye Century.”
“The Critical Nexus of Food, Water and Energy Security”
In the final session of the day, the panel titled “The Critical Nexus of Food, Water and Energy Security”, speakers drew attention to the vital importance of resources and tackled the complex connections of food, water, and energy security. In the session, potential actions and solutions for a safer future for everyone were addressed and discussions on how countries can cooperate on this issue besides global support mechanisms were made.