Turkey, UNDP team to support gender balance in Rwanda

Turkey has partnered with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) to support gender balance in Rwanda‘s private sector, a Turkish diplomat said on Nov. 3.
Ankara’s Ambassador to Rwanda Burcu Cevik spoke to Anadolu Agency in a virtual interview and said Turkey is providing a $100,000 grant to help contribute to the “Gender Equality Seal” project.
The project is intended to encourage private companies in Rwanda to create a more gender-friendly working environment.
Cevik said Turkey is supporting efforts of relevant Rwandan authorities to ensure a more gender-balanced and inclusive working environment in the private sector, promoting women's entrepreneurship as well as strengthening their participation in the labor force.
Rwanda is among five countries selected for support with the project, she said.
She said the partnership is being implemented by the UNDP Rwanda Office in close cooperation with the Private Sector Federation and Gender Monitoring Office. It is also supported by the Ministry of Gender and Family Promotion of Rwanda.
The diplomat said companies willing to take part in the project agreed to make an internal organizational assessment on gender equality and to develop an organization-wide plan for gender equality with assistance and guidance from the Gender Monitoring Office. Those that prove to be performing well are awarded a “Gender Seal Certificate.”
Despite women being well represented in Rwanda’s economy, there is a need to ensure increased women's participation in the private sector, where they still lag behind.
Women make up 52% of the population of Rwanda, a country ranked among the top nations regarding gender balance, particularly in politics and the public sector.
Currently, female representation stands at 61% in parliament, 55% in the Cabinet and 44% in the judiciary.
Women also hold key senior management positions in many ministries and institutions in the East African nation.