Unemployment rate declines to 9.4 percent in July

Türkiye’s unemployment rate eased from 9.6 percent in June to 9.5 percent in July, declining by 38,000 to 3.29 million people.
The jobless rate among men was 7.6 percent, while it was 12.9 percent among women, the Turkish Statistical Institute (TÜİK) announced on Sept. 11.
There were around 65.5 million people in Türkiye aged above 15, and the country’s total labor force was 34.96 million as of July, according to TÜİK.
The labor force participation rate improved from 53 percent in June to 53.4 percent in July, showed TÜİK’s regular household labor force survey.
The employment rate, consequently, climbed to 48.4 percent, from 47.9 percent.
The unemployment rate among the country’s youth – aged between 15 and 24 – edged down from 18.3 percent in June to 18 percent.
The jobless rates among the country’s male and female youth were 15.2 percent and 23.1 percent, respectively.
The government’s new medium-term program projects that the unemployment rate will be 10.1 percent in 2023 and 10.3 percent next year. The jobless rate is expected to decline to 9.9 percent in 2025 and further down to 9.3 in 2026, according to the government’s estimates.